
miercuri, 5 februarie 2020

A.I. Botean - Curriculum Vitae - RO


Data şi locul naşterii: Iulie, 1977, Bistriţa / Bistriţa-Năsăud, România
Cetăţenie: Română
Starea civilă: căsătorit
Telefon:  +40 264.401.751
Adresă: B-dul Muncii 103-105, sala C106b, Cluj-Napoca, 400287, Cluj, România
Limba maternă: Română
Limbi străine cunoscute: Engleza (B1)
Permis de conducere categoria: AM,  B1, B

Domenii de competenŢĂ

- Rezistenţa Materialelor (Fizica Solidului Deformabil), Teoria Elasticităţii;
- Metoda Elementului Finit (analiză structurală, transfer termic) – Ansys, Algor, RDM;
- Analiza experimentală a tensiunilor şi deformaţiilor: fotoelasticitate (transparenţă şi reflexie), tensometrie electrică rezistivă, metoda corelaţiei digitale a imaginii, încercări mecanice;
- Studiul stării de tensiuni şi deformaţii în domeniul biomecanicii;
- Cercetarea şi dezvoltarea motoarelor Stirling, de tip Gamma.
- Transfer de caldură;
- Motoare termice cu aprindere prin scânteie.

Titular de curs la disciplina rezistenŢa mateRialelor la programele de studii

Inginerie Economică Industrială - IEI, Inginerie Industrială - II, Roboţi Industriali - RI, Inginerie Electrică - IE (Electromecanică - EM, Electronică de Putere şi Acţionări Electrice - EPAE, Electrotehnică - ET, Instrumentaţie şi Achiziţie de Date - IAD), Inginerie Medicală - IMed.

activitĂŢi didactice de seminar Şi lucrĂri de laborator la disciplinele rezistenŢa mateRialelor Şi metoda elementului finit la programele de studii

Autovehicule Rutiere -AR, Ingineria Transporturilor şi a Traficului - ITT, Mecatronică - MTR, Inginerie Mecanică - IM, Sisteme şi Echipamente Termice - SET , Mecanică Fină şi Nanotehnologii - MFN, Maşini şi Instalaţii pentru Agricultură şi Industrie Alimentară - MIAIA.

Activitatea   profesională

03.10.2011 – prezent Şef lucrări (lector), titular al cursului de Rezistenţa Materialelor I şi II, Departamentul Inginerie Mecanică (Catedra de Rezistenţa Materialelor), Facultatea de Autovehicule Rutiere, Mecatronică şi Mecanică, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca (dispoziţia nr.7xx/13.10.2011). Activităţi didactice (curs, seminar şi lucrări de laborator la disciplinele Rezistenţa Materialelor şi Metoda Elementului Finit) şi Cercetare.

28.02.2005 – 02.10.2011 Asistent, Catedra de Rezistenţa Materialelor, Facultatea de Mecanică, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca (dispoziţia nr.1xx/18.02.2005). Activităţi didactice (seminar şi lucrări de laborator la disciplinele Rezistenţa Materialelor şi Metoda Elementului Finit) şi Cercetare.

24.02.2003 – 27.02.2005 Preparator, Catedra de Rezistenţa Materialelor, Facultatea de Mecanică, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca (dispoziţia nr.1xx/10.02.2003). Activităţi didactice (seminar şi lucrări de laborator la disciplinele Rezistenţa Materialelor şi Metoda Elementului Finit) şi Cercetare.


02 Septembrie - 18 Octombrie, 2024, 48 ore, Program de formare profesional "Coaching de Grup", Humanco training & development.

Iulie, 04-06, 2024, 15 ore, 0.5 ECTS, Program de perfectionare "EXPERT IN TEHNOLOGII PE BAZA DE HIDROGEN - EFCHT - DE LA TEORIE LA PRACTICA", Ministerul Economiei, Antreprenoriatului si Turismului, Centrul de Pregatire pentru Personalul din Industrie Busteni (Ph, Ro), Certificat de participare Nr.17xx/08.07.2024, Seria A, nr. 55xx.

Mai 2014 – Octombrie 2015 Bursă postdoctorală în cadrul Proiectului cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 – 2013, Axa prioritară 1 – “Educaţia si formarea profesională în sprijinul creşterii economice şi dezvoltării societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere”, Domeniul major de intervenţie 1.5 “Programe doctorale şi postdoctorale în sprijinul cercetării”, Titlul proiectului: “Parteneriat inter-universitar pentru excelenţă în inginerie - PARTING”, Cod Contract POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137516, Beneficiar Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Titlul proiectului de cercetare “Studiul stării de tensiuni şi deformaţii în zona colului femural”, mentor Prof.Dr.Ing. M. Hardau, tutore Prof.Dr.Ing. D.S. Mandru.

2010 Doctor ȋn domeniul Inginerie Mecanică prin Ordinul Ministerului Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Inovării, nr. 3xx/ 23.03.2010.

2002-2009 Doctorand Inginerie Mecanică, Catedra de Rezistenţa Materialelor, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca. Tema de doctorat: Cercetări privind solicitările mecanice şi termice ȋn chiulasa motorului cu aprindere prin scânteie, Conducător ştiinţific: Prof.Dr.Ing. M. Hardau (dispoziţia nr.7xx/18.11.2002).

2002-2003 Studii Aprofundate, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, specializarea PROIECTAREA ASISTATĂ A MAŞINILOR TERMICE CU POLUARE REDUSĂ (Catedra de Termotehnică), Facultatea de Mecanică. Diplomă de Studii Aprofundate. Tema de disertaţie: Studiul transferului termic în motoarele cu ardere internă cu piston, Conducător ştiinţific: Prof.Dr.Ing.Ec. I. Teberan (nr.3xx/17.06.2004).

2001-2002 Studii Aprofundate, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, specializarea ANALIZĂ ASISTATĂ ŞI CERCETARE EXPERIMENTALĂ IN INGINERIA MECANICĂ (Catedra de Rezistenţa Materialelor), Facultatea de Mecanică. Diplomă de Studii Aprofundate. Tema de disertaţie: Studiul tensiunilor termice în puntea dintre supape pentru un motor cu aprindere prin scânteie, Conducător ştiinţific: Prof.Dr.Ing. A. Cretu (nr.1xx/17.06.2004).

1997-2000 Curs de pregătire psihopedagogică în cadrul Departamentului pentru pregătirea personalului didactic, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Certificat de absolvire (nr.2xx/04.07.2002).

1996-2001 Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Mecanică, specializarea MAŞINI ŞI ECHIPAMENTE TERMICE. Diplomă de INGINER. Tema de diplomă: Cercetări privind solicitările termice ale motoarelor cu aprindere prin scânteie, Conducător ştiinţific: Prof.Dr.Ing.Ec. I. Teberean (nr.7xx/04.07.2002).

1996 Curs de calificare OPERATOR TEHNICĂ DE CALCUL (6 luni) la Centrul de calificare şi recalificare a şomerilor, Bistriţa, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Certificat de absolvire (nr.4.9xx/12.12.2000).

1995 Atestat privind pregătirea de specialitate, profesională şi practică în meseria de ELECTROMECANIC, Grup Şcolar Industrial Metalurgic Beclean / Bistriţa-Năsăud (nr.3xx/30.06.1995).

1991-1995 Grup Şcolar Industrial Metalurgic Beclean / Bistriţa-Năsăud. Profilul ELECTROTEHNIC. Diplomă de Bacalaureat (nr.7xx/12.07/1995).


ORCID ID 0000-0002-0587-4618, Researcher ID H-2987-2016
4 lucrări didactice, unic autor (conform cu Anexa 1).
78 lucrării ştiinţifice publicate: 27 articole autor unic; 16 articole autor principal; 35 articole coautor (conform cu List of Published Works).
Director ȋn 3 contracte de cercetare şi membru ȋn 3 colective de cercetare (conform cu Research Activity).


12 participări la conferinţe şi seminarii (conform cu Anexa 2)


Badea Manuela Codruţa, Botean Adrian-Ioan, Best oral presentation – Medical Physics Technical Session, Photoelasticity methods applied to biomechanics, Four-Seas-Conference, Phisique-Sans-Frontieres, UNESCO, A.I. Cuza University Iaşi, 29 May – 2 June 2007.
Botean Adrian-Ioan, Diploma de excelenţă, Sesiunea de comunicări a cercurilor ştiinţifice studenţeşti SECOSAFT 2002, Ministerul Apărării Naţionale, Academia Forţelor Terestre ’’Nicolae Bălcescu’’ Sibiu.


Membru ȋn Asociaţia Română de Tensometrie (ARTENS).
Membru ȋn Asociaţia Română de Mecatronică (SROMECA).


 Platforme educaţionale:

2008 – prezent Preşedinte club sportiv ISSHIN Cluj-Napoca (2 dan Kendo, 2 dan Karate Shotokan).

List of Published Works




 Update –  13.06.2024


1 monograph, single author, A4 format, 143 pages, published in 2023 by the U.T. Press Publishing House;

1 didactic work, single author, A4 format, 454 pages, published in 2019 by the U.T. Press Publishing House;

1 didactic work, single author, A4 format, 388 pages, published in 2017 by the U.T. Press Publishing House;

1 didactic work, single author, A4 format, 206 pages, published in 2006 by the U.T. Press Publishing House.

27 published articles, single author (AU);

16 articles published, main author (AP);

35 published articles, co-author (CO).


IRAD –relevance index of didactic activity (educational support publication);
 IRAC –relevance index of the research activity; 
AU – single author; AP – main author, CO - co-author




►4. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Osul femural uman din perspectiva Rezistenţei materialelor, Editura U.T.PRESS, Cluj-Napoca, 2023, 143 pagini, A4, ISBN 978-606-737-609-8.


3. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Rezistenţa Materialelor. Solicitări simple, ediţia a II-a revizuită şi adăugită, Editura U.T.PRESS, Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 454 pagini, A4, ISBN 978-606-737-407-0.


2. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Rezistenţa Materialelor. Solicitări simple, Editura U.T.PRESS, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 388 pagini, A4, ISBN 978-606-737-228-1.


1. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Metode numerice de calcul în rezistenţa materialelor. Îndrumător, Editura U.T.PRESS, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, 206 pagini A4, ISBN (10) 973-662-232-0, ISBN (13) 978-973-662-232-8.




78. Adrian Ioan BOTEANApproximation of the elastic curve differential equation by trigonometric series for an isotropic beam with a constant moment of inertia, complexly loaded, according to the Euler-Bernoulli theory, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.67, Issue I, pp.55-68, 2024 [Index ISI],

Abstract. The study of the elastic curve has been a constant concern in the field of mechanical engineering and has led to several analytical, graphical, and graph-analytical methods of analysis. In this work, an analytical method of study is presented that can be counted among the energy methods for calculating deformations, since the potential energy of deformation expression is used in the case of beams loaded to simple bending, in the field of elastic deformations, using isotropic materials. The elastic curve expressed by a fourth-order differential equation can also be approximated by an infinite trigonometric series, leading to a good convergence of the results obtained by classical methods. Starting from a series of simple loading cases, which serve to illustrate the method of solving the problem, this study examines two cases with a higher degree of complexity: in the first study, the beam is loaded on the first half unit length by a uniformly distributed load q(x), and in the second study, the beam is loaded by two concentrated forces arranged symmetrically concerning the support points.


77. Dan Marius GHERASIM, Adrian Ioan BOTEAN, Mariana ARGHIR,  Photoelasticimetry method used to highlight deformations on the left deltoid of the human body. Model creationActa Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.66, Issue III, pp.407-412, 2023 [Index ISI],

Abstract. In a grouping of two papers is presented how photoelasticimetry is used as a method of qualitative analysis, which offers the possibility of visualizing the deformations that occur in the material depending on the request of the parts made during the experiments. In this first part, we present the creation of models of the left deltoid muscle of the human body.

76. Adrian Ioan BOTEAN, The Use of Trigonometric Series for the Study of Isotropic Beam Deflection, Mathematics 2023, 11(6), 1426 (Special Issue Advanced Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Solutions in Applied Mechanics and Engineering); 

Abstract. The average deformed fiber is a continuous and smooth function of the fourth order. The deflection and rotation of beams can be determined by various methods available in the literature. Thus, in this paper, the expression of the average deformed fiber is defined in advance, then it is considered an infinite sum of sinusoidal functions that are successively evaluated using sinusoidal trigonometric series if it is considered a periodic function, or using Fourier series if it is considered a non-periodic function. The method is examined by solving several beam problems. The results indicate that the method can be used with confidence for solving any bending beam problem.


75. Adrian Ioan BOTEAN, Evaluation of the potential deformation energy from the elastic element of a bionic displacement system, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.65, Issue IV, pp.459-470, 2021 [Index ISI],

 Abstract. In this paper, I present a multidisciplinary approach to establishing the maximum loaded cross-section of the elastic element of the bionic displacement system (whose conception must base on the principle of biomimicry), as well as the evaluation of the state of stresses and strains respectively of the accumulated potential deformation energy. This study involves modeling the structure using the finite element method for efforts evaluation (axial force N, shear force T, and bending moment Mi), the use of analytical models for calculating mechanical stresses and potential deformation energy, and the use of electrical strain-gages method to experimental evaluation of strains. The evaluation of strains (a total of 2,979 processed data) is performed in two working scenarios: for the case where there is bipedal support (S1) and for the case of unipedal support, for uniform rectilinear movement (S2). In both scenarios, the relative deviations (concerning the potential deformation energy) between the analytically and experimentally obtained results are below 11 percent. This study has relevance, especially from the perspective of the possibility of optimally dimensioning the elastic element so that the bionic displacement system has its mass as small as possible.


74. Adrian Ioan BOTEAN, Solutions to improve mobility of the plaster walking boot in patients with pathologies of the lower limb, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.64, Issue III, pp.415-422, 2021 [Index ISI],

 Abstract. In this paper, two technical solutions are proposed to improve the mobility of the plaster walking boot in the case of patients with pathologies of the lower limb. Having as a reference element the concepts of biomimicry and bionics, an analysis of the principle of locomotion in the animal kingdom (kangaroo) is made. Based on an extensive bibliographic study, the distribution of the load distributed in the contact area between the plastered boot and the bionic displacement system is defined. Using the finite element method, the two proposed bionic systems are modeled in order to determine the laws that govern the distribution of efforts (forces and moments). Knowing the laws of variation and the size of the efforts, the elements that make up these bionic displacement systems can be optimally dimensioned (from the condition of strength, rigidity, stability and / or economy).


73. Willi Andrei Uriciuc, Horaţiu Vermeşan, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Liviu Nistor, Cătălin Popa, Research on the surface of the dental alloys with cobalt-crom base, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.62, Issue IV, pp.623-628, 2019 [Index ISI]

72. Adrian BOTEAN, Optimization of a γ-type stirling engine performance based on an experimental approach, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.62, Issue II, pp.309-316, 2019 [Index ISI]



71. Adrian BOTEAN, Influence of the temperature gradient on the speed of a Stirling Gamma engine, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.61, Issue III, pp.339-346, 2018 [Index ISI]

70. Adrian BOTEAN, Influence of working fluid pressure on the power of a Stirling gamma engine, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.61, Issue II, pp.195-200, 2018 [Index ISI]

69. Adrian BOTEAN, The state of stresses in the proximal femoral bone in bipodal and unipodal support, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.61, Issue II, pp.189-194, 2018 [Index ISI]

68. Adrian BOTEAN, Thermal expansion coefficient determination of polylactic acid using digital image correlation, EENVIRO 2017, E3S Web of Conferences 32, 01007 (2018),



67. Adrian BOTEAN, Study of changing geometric characteristics in proximal femoral bone affected by osteoporosis in compliane with Singh index, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.60, Issue III, pp.369-376, 2017 [Index ISI]

66. Adrian BOTEAN, State of stresses in 2D osteoporotic models according to human proximal femoral bone area in unipodal support, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.60, Issue II, pp.227-234, 2017 [Index ISI]

65. Adrian BOTEAN, Iacob Hiticaş, Experimental power determination of a Gamma type Stirling engine, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.60, Issue 1, pp.103-108, 2017 [Index ISI]



64. Mihai Sorin Tripa, Adrian BOTEAN, Lucia Ghioltean, Adriana Sorcoi, Călin Rareş Roman, Mihaela Suciu, Study of deformations for thermoplastic polyurethane membrane by finite elements method (FEM), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Recent Tendency in Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Volume 841, Chapter 2: Design, Modelling and Simulation in Mechanical Engineering, pp 72-76, June 2016, ISSN: 1662-7482, doi: 10.4028/ [Index BDI]

63. Adrian BOTEAN, Marian Florescu, Alin Glogoveţan, Vlad Vitan, The functional analysis of a Gamma type Stirling engine, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.59, Issue 1, pp.53-58, 2016 [Index ISI]



62. Adrian BOTEAN, Study of Stresses in Trabecular Structure in Case of Fracture Type 31-B1.3 Using Cannulated Screws, Unipodal Support, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.58, Issue 3, pp.361-368, 2015 [Index ISI]

61. Adrian BOTEAN, Mândru Dan, Hărdău Mihail, Plan model to analyze the state of stresses and strains of the human proximal femoral bone, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221-5872 Vol.58, Issue 2, pp.199-204, 2015 [Index ISI]

60. Ioana Alexandra Takacs, Adrian BOTEAN, Mihail Hărdău, Ştefan Chindriş, Displacement-stress distribution in a femoral bone by optical methods, 8th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, INTER-ENG 2014, 9-10 October 2014, Tîrgu Mureş, Romania, Procedia Technology, Elsevier, ISSN 2212-0173, Volume 19, 2015, Pages 901-908, doi:10.1016/j.protcy.2015.02.129 ( [ ISI Proceedings]

59. Adrian BOTEAN, Mândru Dan, Hărdău Mihail, Modeling human femoral neck using a 2D structure, 8th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, INTER-ENG 2014, 9-10 October 2014, Tîrgu Mureş, Romania, Procedia Technology, Elsevier, ISSN 2212-0173, Volume 19, 2015,Pages 921-926, doi:10.1016/j.protcy.2015.02.132,  

( [ ISI Proceedings]



58. M. Simion, A.I. BOTEAN, M. Bejan, Studiul numeric şi experimental a unui robot industrial serial utilizând metoda CDI, Conferinţa Tehnico-Ştiinţifică Internaţională VII, Probleme actuale ale urbanismului şi amenajării teritoriului, Culegere de articole, Volumul II pag.177-183, 13-15 noiembrie 2014, Chişinău, ISBN 978-9975-71-582-9 [conferinţă cu referenţi]

57. Takacs Ioana Alexandra, Dudescu Mircea Cristian, Hărdău Mihail, BOTEAN Adrian Ioan, Experimental validation of a finite element model of an osteoporotic human femoral bone using strain gauge measurement, The 6th International Conference „Advanced concepts in mechanical engineering”, Iaşi, June 12-13, 2014; Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.658 (2014) pp 513-519, Trans Tech Pubications, Switzerland (, ISSN 1660-9336 [Index BDI]

56. Adrian BOTEAN, Mihaela Suciu, Lucian Fechete, Gavril Bâlc, Marius Ghereş, Sorin Grozav, About the study of stresses for desmopan membrane by finite elements method (FEM), Journal of Asian Scientific Research, April 2014, 4(4):207-213, Online ISSN:2223-1331, Print ISSN 2226-5724 ( [Index Copernicus International]

55. Mircea Cristian DUDESCU, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihail HARDAU, Nicolaie BAL, Measurement of thermoplastics tensile properties using digital image correlation, 14th Symposium on Experimental Stress Analysis and Materials Testing with the occasion of 90 years of Strength of Materials Laboratory, 23-25 May 2013, Timişoara. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 601 (2014) pp 33-36, Trans Tech Publications Switzerland. [ ISI Proceedings] fi=0.21 (0.33)



54. Liviu SUCIU, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihaela SUCIU, Victor ROS, About the mechanical character stics determination for desmopan membrane by digital image correlation method, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 332 (2013), pp 396-401, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, ISBN 978 – 3 – 03785 – 733 – 5 ( [Index ISI] fi=0.07

53. Mircea Cristian DUDESCU, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihail HARDAU, Thermal expansion coefficient determination of polymeric materials using digital image correlation, Revista Materiale plastice, MPLAAM 50(1) (1-68), ISSN 0025/5289, Vol. 50, nr. 1, pag. 55-59, Bucureşti, Martie 2013. [Index ISI] fi=0.463   (1.248)

52. Mihaela SIMION, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea BEJAN, Determinarea rigidităţii unor roboţi industriali, Simpozionul ştiinţific al inginerilor de pretutindeni – Ediţia a X-a, SINGRO 2012 – Educaţie şi inginerie, Bucureşti, 13-14 Septembrie 2012, Buletinul AGIR, nr.1/2013, pp133-138. ( [Index Copernicus]



51. Mihaela SIMION, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea BEJAN, Stiffness study of an industrial robot, 36th International Conference on Mechanics of Solids, Acoustics and Vibrations, 25-26 Octombrie, publicată în Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 55, Issue III, pag. 693-698, ISSN 1221-5872, Editura U.T.PRESS, Cluj-Napoca, 2012. [Index Copernicus]

50. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Ioana Alexandra Takacs, Mihail HARDAU, The study of stresses distribution for the femoral bone in bipodal support – 3D modeling, 11th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Under the auspices of: IMEKO Technical Committee 15 and Danubia – Adria Symposium, 30th of May 2012 – 2nd of June 2012, Brasov, Romania, Book of Abstract  ISBN 978-606-19-0079-4; Proceedings  ISBN 978-606-19-0078-7. [conferinta cu referenti]

49. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihaela SIMION, Study of state of stresses using photoelasticity in case of an industrial robot Scara, 11th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Under the auspices of: IMEKO Technical Committee 15 and Danubia – Adria Symposium, 30th of May 2012 – 2nd of June 2012, Brasov, Romania, Book of Abstract  ISBN 978-606-19-0079-4; Proceedings  ISBN 978-606-19-0078-7. [conferinta cu referenti]

48. Mihaela SIMION, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea BEJAN, Utilizarea fotoelasticimetriei in analiza starii de tensiuni pentru o structura de robot industrial. Consideratii generale, A XII-a Conferinta Nationala multidisciplinara – cu participare internationala, ’’Profesorul Dorin PAVEL – fondatorul hidrotehnicii romanesti’’, Stiinta si Inginerie, vol. 21, ISBN 2067-7138, Sebes, 2012, pag. 621-628. [conferinta cu referenti]



47. Mihaela SIMION, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea BEJAN, Numerical analysis of state of stresses and deformations of an industrial serial robot 5R, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 54, Issue IV, 2011, ISSN 1221-5872, pag. 675-680. [Index Copernicus, Index Scholar Google]

46. Mihaela SIMION, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea BEJAN, Numerical study of displacements and stresses of an industrial serial robot, The 4th International Conference Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering „COMEC 2011”, 20-22 October 2011, Brasov, ISBN 978 – 973 – 131 – 122 – 7. [conferinta cu referenti]

45. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Ioana Alexandra TAKACS, Mihail HARDAU, The Study of Massive Trochanterion Fractures, International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Healt Care through Technology – MEDITECH 2011, 29th August – 2nd September 2011, Cluj-Napoca, IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 36, ISSN 1680-0737, ISBN 978-3-642-22585-7, e-ISBN 978-3-642-22586-4. [Index SpringerLink]

44. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Ioana Alexandra TAKACS, Mihail HARDAU, Photoelasticimetry application in biomechanics, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 54, Issue I, 2011, ISSN 1221-5872, pag. 95-100. [Index Copernicus]

43. Mihaela SIMION, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea BEJAN, Analytic study of the efforts from the structure of a industrial serial robot 5r, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 54, Issue I, 2011, ISSN 1221-5872, pag. 225-228. [Index Copernicus]

42. Ioana Alexandra TAKACS, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihail HARDAU, Numerical and experimental analysis of the state of stresses of the femoral neck – plane modeling, 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, 25th – 28th May 2011, Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Solid Mechanics, ISBN 978-3-941003-34-7. [conferinta cu referenti]

41. Mihaela SIMION, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea BEJAN, Experimental study of a composite beam loaded in four points bending test, 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, 25th – 28th May 2011, Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Solid Mechanics, ISBN 978-3-941003-34-7. [conferinta cu referenti]

40. Mihaela SIMION, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea BEJAN, Studiul analitic si numeric al deplasarilor pentru o grinda articulata, A XI-a Conferinta Nationala multidisciplinara – cu participare internationala, ’’Profesorul Dorin PAVEL – fondatorul hidrotehnicii romanesti’’, Stiinta si Inginerie, vol. 13, ISBN 973-8130-82-4, ISBN 978-973-720-197-3, Sebes, 2011, pag. 563-570. [Index Scholar Google]

39. Ioana Alexandra TAKACS, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihail HARDAU, Studiul fortelor care actioneaza asupra osului femural, A XI-a Conferinta Nationala multidisciplinara – cu participare internationala, ’’Profesorul Dorin PAVEL – fondatorul hidrotehnicii romanesti’’, Stiinta si Inginerie, vol. 13, ISBN 973-8130-82-4, ISBN 978-973-720-197-3, Sebes, 2011, pag. 563-570. [conferinta cu referenti]



38. Gavril BALC, Mihaela SUCIU, Mircea BEJAN, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Nicolae CIOICA, Contributions to determination of biodegradable plastic material characteristics, Metalurgia International, Vol. XV, No.12, pag. 28, ISSN 1582-2214, 2010. [ISI] fi=0.11

37. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihail HARDAU, The study of mechanical and thermal stresses in related multiple circular plates, Acta Techica Napocensis of The Technical University of Cluj – Napoca, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 53, vol. II, UT Press, ISSN 1221-5872, 2010. [Index Copernicus]

36. Mihaela SIMION, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea Cristian DUDESCU, Experimental studies of the normal stresses for an equal strength beam and a flanged beam, Acta Techica Napocensis of The Technical University of Cluj – Napoca, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 53, vol. II, UT Press, ISSN 1221-5872, 2010. [Index Copernicus]

35. Mircea Cristian DUDESCU, Mărioara ŞOMOTECAN, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Direct application of strain gauges on wood, Acta Techica Napocensis of The Technical University of Cluj – Napoca, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 53, vol. II, UT Press, ISSN 1221-5872, 2010. [Index Copernicus]



34. Mariana RUNCAN, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mariana ARGHIR, Contribution a l’etude experimentale par methode Moire de projection sur production et transmission les vibrations mecaniques sur le corps humain, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 52, vol. III, International Conference Advanced Engineering In Mechanical Systems ADEMS’09, UT Press, ISSN 1221-5872, 2009. [conferinta cu referenti]

33. Mircea Cristian DUDESCU, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihail HARDAU, Digital image correlation method applied to material testing, 26th Danubia-Adria Symposium, Montauniversitat Leoben, Austria, ISBN 978-3-902544-02-5, 2009. [conferinta cu referenti]

32. Mircea Cristian DUDESCU, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihail HARDAU, Application of digital image correlation for measuring E-modulus of wood beams, Annals of DAAAM for 2009&Proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium, Volume 20, No. 1, ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria, EU, 2009. [Index Google Scholar]



31. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Thermo yielding stresses into circular plate with a central hole, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Machines Construction, Materials, 51, 2008, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ISSN: 1224-9106. [revista cu referenti]

30. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Thermo yielding stresses into homogeneous circular plate with a ray – dependent temperature variation, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Machines Construction, Materials, 51, 2008, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ISSN: 1224-9106. [revista cu referenti]

29. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Studiul plăcilor circulare omogene, partea a II-a (The research of bending of homogeneous circular plates, part II), A VIII-a Conferinta Nationala multidisciplinara – cu participare internationala, ’’Profesorul Dorin PAVEL – fondatorul hidrotehnicii romanesti’’, Stiinta si Inginerie, vol. 13, ISBN 973-8130-82-4, ISBN 978-973-720-197-3, Sebes, 2008, pag. 571-580. [conferinta cu referenti]

28. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Studiul plăcilor circulare omogene, partea I-a (The research of bending of homogeneous circular plates, part I), A VIII-a Conferinta Nationala multidisciplinara – cu participare internationala, ’’Profesorul Dorin PAVEL – fondatorul hidrotehnicii romanesti’’, Stiinta si Inginerie, vol. 13, ISBN 973-8130-82-4, ISBN 978-973-720-197-3, Sebes, 2008, pag. 563-570. [conferinta cu referenti]

27. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Study of circular plate with two holes of unequal diameters, loaded with pressure in transversal plane, 25th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24-27 September 2008, Ceske Budejovice (Budweis) and Cesky Krumlo Republic, ISBN: 978-80-01-04162-8. [ISI]

26. Mircea Cristian DUDESCU, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mihail HARDAU, E-modulus measurement of wood beams using digital image correlation principle, The Annals of ’’Dunarea de Jos’’ University of Galati, Fascicle XIV Mechanical Engineering, ISSN 1224-5615, 2008. [Index CSA Illumina]

25. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Mircea Cristian DUDESCU, Mihail HARDAU, Applications of the 3D digital image correlation in experimental mechanics, 15th International Conference and User Meeting, Schloss Groβlaupheim, Dantec Dynamics, Sept. 22nd-23rd, 2008, Ulm, Germany, ISBN 978-3-00-025353-9. [conferinta cu referenti]



24. Mircea Cristian DUDESCU, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Deformations measurement using digital image correlation principle, Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Machines Construction, Materials, 50, 2007, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ISSN: 1224-9106. [revista cu referenti]

23. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Studiul placilor circulare cu o gaura centrala utilizand metode analitice si numerice, A XXXI-a Conferinta Nationala de Mecanica Solidelor, Chisinau, 2007. [conferinta cu referenti]

22. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Manuela Codruta Badea, Photoelastic calibration using Photostress System, 24th Danubia – Adria Advances in Experimental Methods, Sibiu, Romania, 2007, ISBN 978-973-739-456-9. [conferinta cu referenti]

21. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Aplicatii ale metodei elementelor finite in calculul de rezistenta (remorca auto), A VII-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară – cu participare internaţională, „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2007, Volumul 11, Editura Agir, Bucureşti 2007, ISBN 973-8130-82-4, ISBN 978-973-720-123-2. [conferinta cu referenti]



20. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Practical applications for Spider 8 device, Acta Technica Napocensis, Scientific bulletin of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Series: Machines constructions. Materials, Editura U.T.PRES, 2006, ISSN 1224-9106. [revista cu referenti] 

19. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Introduction for a finite elements analysis for a burning sparking engine cylinder head, The 11th international symposium of experimental stress and testing of materials, University of Bacau, September 2006, ISSN 1224-7480, p.39. [Index Google Scholar]

18. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Augustin CRETU, Nicolae LOBONTIU, Stress and deformation analysis of a ferry’s wheel mechanical structure, 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Budapest 2006, Hungary, ISBN 963 87244 0 4. [conferinta cu referenti]

17. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Calculul şi construcţia chiulasei unui motor cu aprindere prin scânteie (M.A.S.) partea III-a, A VI-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară – cu participare internaţională, „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2006, Volumul 10, Editura Agir, Bucureşti 2006, ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4; ISBN-10 973-720-030-6, ISBN-13 978-973-8130-82-1, ISBN-13 978-973-720-030-3, pag.301-306. [conferinta cu referenti]

16. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Calculul şi construcţia chiulasei unui motor cu aprindere prin scânteie (M.A.S.) partea II-a, A VI-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară – cu participare internaţională, „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2006, Volumul 10, Editura Agir, Bucureşti 2006, ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4; ISBN-10 973-720-030-6, ISBN-13 978-973-8130-82-1, ISBN-13 978-973-720-030-3, pag.295-300. [conferinta cu referenti]

15. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Calculul şi construcţia chiulasei unui motor cu aprindere prin scânteie (M.A.S.) partea I-a, A VI-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară – cu participare internaţională, „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2006, Volumul 10, Editura Agir, Bucureşti 2006, ISBN-10 973-8130-82-4; ISBN-10 973-720-030-6, ISBN-13 978-973-8130-82-1, ISBN-13 978-973-720-030-3, pag.287-294. [conferinta cu referenti]



14. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Studiul transferului de căldură în pereţii camerei de ardere a unui M.A.S., A V-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară – cu participare internaţională, „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2005, Volumul 8, Editura Agir, Bucureşti 2005, ISBN 973-8130-82-4; ISBN 973-720-016-0, pag.45. [conferinta cu referenti]

13. Adrian-Ioan Botean, Studiul transferului de căldură din camera de ardere a unui M.A.S., A V-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară – cu participare internaţională, „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2005, Volumul 8, Editura Agir, Bucureşti 2005, ISBN 973-8130-82-4; ISBN 973-720-016-0, pag.41. [conferinta cu referenti]

12. Augustin CRETU, Mihaela SUCIU, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Asupra criteriilor de alegere a materialelor in industria automobilelor, A V-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară – cu participare internaţională, „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2005, Volumul 8, Editura Agir, Bucureşti 2005, ISBN 973-8130-82-4; ISBN 973-720-016-0, pag.1. [conferinta cu referenti]



11. Augustin CRETU, Cristian DUMA, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Câteva consideraţii asupra fenomenului concentrării tensiunilor, A Patra Conferinţă Naţională – cu participare internaţională – „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2004, Editura Agir, Sebeş, 2004, ISBN 973-8130-82-4; ISBN 973-8466-68-7, pag.143. [conferinta cu referenti]

10. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Codruţa-Manuela BADEA, Augustin CREŢU, On the normal stresses concentration in the U shape constructive elements, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS AND MATERIAL TESTING, Oct. 21st – Oct. 23rd, 2004, Sibiu – Romania, ISBN-973-651-918-x. [conferinta cu referenti]



9.  Ioan TEBEREAN, Ioan GHIRAN, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Oana TEBEREAN, Unele aspecte privind calculul solicitărilor termice din bolţul de piston al unui M.A.I., Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu, Resiţa, A XIII-a Conferinţă Naţională cu participare internaţională TERMOTEHNICA 2003, Anul X, Fascicula I, 30-31 Mai 2003, Resiţa, Romania, ISSN 1453-7394. [conferinta cu referenti]

8. Manuela-Codruţa BADEA, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Photoelastic calibration. The study by optical and numerically methods of the stress concentrator in pieces subjected to strain, Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara, Seria Fizică, volumul 44/2003, Editura Universităţii de Vest, Timişoara; ISSN 1224-9718. [revista cu referenti] 

7. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Iurie TERNA, Augustin CRETU, From the diametrically compressed plane circular discs and from this to the semicircular curved rod. Stresses. În „Interdisciplinarity in Engineering” Scientific Conference with International Participation INTER-ING 2003, Universitatea „Petru Maior”Târgu-Mureş, ISBN 973-8084-82-2, ISBN 973-8084-81-4. [conferinta cu referenti]

6. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Ioan TEBEREAN, Ioan GHIRAN, Determinarea pierderilor de presiune în sistemul de alimentare cu combustibil al unui m.a.c., Lucrările celei de A Treia Conferinţe Naţionale – cu participare internaţională – „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2003, Editura Agir, Bucureşti 2003, ISBN 973-8130-82-4; ISBN 975-8466-03-2, pag.465. [conferinta cu referenti]

5. Ioan TEBEREAN, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Thermal and mechanical loads in a piston pin for an internal combustion engine, ESFA 2003, The 7th International Conference Fuel economy, safety and reliability of motor vehicles, vol.2, Ed. Politehnica Press, ISBN 973-844-12-x; ISBN 973-8449-11-1. [conferinta cu referenti]



4. Ioan TEBEREAN, Angela PLESA, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Influenţa unor parametrii tehnici asupra tensiunilor termice în puntea dintre supapele chiulasei unui mas, Energie Environnement Economie et Thermodynamique,Travaux du Colloque Franco-Roumain, COFRET’02, Colloque Franco-Roumain, Universite ‘’Politehnica’’ Bucarest, Roumanie, 25-27 Avril 2002, ISBN 973-8165-2-9, l’Edition CONSPRESS. [conferinta cu referenti]

3. Ioan TEBEREAN, Ioan GHIRAN, Eva KISS, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Instalaţie experimentală pentru determinarea presiunii de injecţie asigurată de o pompă cu distribuitor rotativ. Ştiinţă şi Inginerie (vol.1, pag.201), Lucrările celei de A Doua Conferinţe Naţionale “Profesorul Dorin PAVEL-fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2002, Ed. AGIR, Bucureşti, 2002, ISBN 973-8130-82-4, ISBN 973-8130-83-2. [conferinta cu referenti]

2. Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Calculul analitic al temperaturii gazelor din camera de ardere a unui MAS, Ştiinţă şi Inginerie (vol.1, pag.207), Lucrările celei de A Doua Conferinţe Naţionale “Profesorul Dorin PAVEL-fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2002, Ed. AGIR, Bucureşti, 2002, ISBN 973-8130-82-4, ISBN 973-8130-83-2. [conferinta cu referenti]



1. Ioan TEBEREAN, Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN, Eva KISS, Model for the calculation of the process of combustion in a spark ignition engine, Acta Tehnica Napocensis, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Section: Applied mathematics and mechanics, Nr. 44, Vol. 1, 2001, ISSN 1221-5872. [revista cu referenti] 


 Conferences and seminars

[12] EENVIRO 2017, E3S Web of Conferences 32, 01007.
[11] 8th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, INTER-ENG 2014, 9-10 October 2014, Tîrgu Mureş, România.
[10] 11th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Under the auspices of: IMEKO Technical Committee 15 and Danubia – Adria Symposium, 30th of May 2012 – 2nd of June 2012, Braşov, România.
[9] The 4th International Conference Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering „COMEC 2011”, 20-22 October 2011, Braşov.
[8] International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Healt Care through Technology – MEDITECH 2011, 29th August – 2nd September 2011, Cluj-Napoca.
[7] A XI-a Conferinţa Naţională multidisciplinară – cu participare internaţională, ’’Profesorul Dorin PAVEL – fondatorul hidrotehnicii romaneşti’’, Sebes, 2011.
[6] Al 13-lea Simpozion de Analiză Experimentală a Tensiunilor şi Încercarea Materialelor, 11-12 Iunie 2010, Cluj-Napoca, România.
[5] Seminar ştiinţific şi practic ’’HBM Academy-HBM on tour’’ organizat de Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Mecanică, Catedra de Rezistenţa Materialelor ȋmpreuna cu firma germana Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik Gm.b.H. – HBM – prin reprezentanţa acesteia ȋn Romania – firma SPECTROMAS SRL, Cluj-Napoca, 13-14 Martie 2008.
[4] Training Dantec Digital Image Correlation System Q-400, Dantec Dynamics, 24-26 Octombrie 2007, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Mecanică, Catedra de Rezistenţa Materialelor.
[3] Seminar ştiinţific şi practic ’’Bazele tensometriei’’ organizat de Universitatea Politehnică Bucureşti, Facultatea de Ingineria şi Managementul Sistemelor Tehnologice, Catedra de Rezistenţa Materialelor ȋmpreuna cu firma germană Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik – HBM -, Bucureşti 2006, România.
[2] 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Budapest 2006, Hungary.
[1] A V-a Conferinţă Naţională multidisciplinară – cu participare internaţională, „Profesorul Dorin Pavel – fondatorul hidroenergeticii româneşti”, Sebeş 2005, România.