Research Activity
• 2011 Responsabil contract de
cercetare-dezvoltare si consultanta. Nr. 107/16.06.2011. Incercarea la compresiune a 6 piese tubulare
(desen 25291 P01) – SC Trelleborg Automotive Dej SRL.
• 2008-2009 Director contract
de cercetare. Grant de cercetare Td (resurse umane), cod CNCSIS 217,
nr.contract 25/2008, Tema proiectului: Cercetari
privind solicitarile mecanice si termice in chiulasa motorului cu aprindere
prin scanteie, 37.000 RON
• 2004-2006 Director contract de cercetare. Grant
de cercetare nr.Td2, cod CNCSIS 230. Tema proiectului: Studiul
solicitărilor termo-mecanice în motoarele cu ardere internă utilizând metode
moderne de cercetare, 36.000 RON.
• 2006-2008 membru, Platforma
integrată de cercetare şi formare pentru producţia inovativă – fabrica
viitorului, valoare proiect 4.928.000 RON, contract CNCSIS (cod 103)-M.Ed.C.; director proiect Petru BERCE.
• 2005-2007 membru, Contribuţii la proiectarea nano/micro
mecanismelor flexibile de acţionare şi detecţie, CNCSIS Tip A, director
proiect Nicolae LOBONŢIU.
• 2003-2005 membru, Cercetări privind ȋmbunătăţirea metodelor de calcul ale plăcilor tubulare cu
ajutorul metodelor moderne de analiză, Grant de tip A, Tema A6, Cod
CNCSIS 341/2003, director proiect Mihail HĂRDĂU.
Research Areas
* Mechanics of Materials, Theory of Elasticity, Theory of Thermoelasticity
* Finite Element Method (structural analysis, thermal transfer) - Ansys, Algor, RDM
* Experimental analysis of stresses and deformations:
Photoelasticity (transparency and reflection);
Measurements using Strain Gages;
Digital Image Correlation Method;
Mechanical Tests - mechanical and elastic characterization of materials;
Study of the State of Stresses and Deformations in the Field of Biomechanics;
Research and Development of Stirling Engines, Type Gamma;
Heat Transfer;
Thermal Engines With Spark Ignition.
Analysis of stresses and strains in the cylinder head
Analysis of stresses ans strains in circular plates
expansion coefficient (CTE) determination of polylactic acid (PLA) using digital image
Analysis of stresses ans strains in different structures
Analysis of stresses ans strains in the femoral bone
Section properties of the trabecular structure
Other applications ....